Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jackson loooves the ladies

Jax's room continues to be in development. I'm sure it will be for a while. It's further evidence that I do have a designer mind, not just a technical one....the design is never done. The room has a weird echo so I got the idea to just hang up some fabric wrapped panels instead of art, inspired by my brother's stay, where he hung fabric on the wall so he could do some voice recording in there. In an afternoon that started out as a quick trip to Jamie's storage unit to drop off some things, then evolved into a latte and hey-why-don't-we-grab-a-sandwich, let's call Jeanne and see what she's doing, Jamie and I went to Discount Fabrics to poke around. I was browsing through the huge racks and racks of fabric, hoping to find cute kid prints that I could stand to look at without cringing when I happened upon an adorable velveteen print with pinup girls on it. It reminded me of the wallpaper in the bathroom at Kuma's Corner in Chicago. hmmmmm...that might make a good wall hanging for Jax's young developing eyes...high contrast black background, a lot of motion in the print. A little inappropriate for a baby's room, though. F-it. I'm getting it. At the cutting table, the tatooed and pierced woman helping me asked what I was using it for and when I said, "Wall art for my son's room" she responded "Cool." I definitely smiled inside on that one - Yay! I'm a cool mom!
I stretched it on to some painting canvas frames and hang it up above the changing table. The echo is gone and Jax can't keep his eyes off it!

I did get some other fabrics that I'm still playing with and will publish photos once those are up and ready.

Monday, September 28, 2009

dog beds and other major concerns

So tonight Archie actually took a pass on the couch. Let me repeat that...Archie took a pass on laying on the couch. I realize that my incredulity at this notion goes without explanation since dogs love laying on couches almost as much as licking their butts. That being said, I feel the need to elaborate a bit more on his temperament. This is a dog that gets on the couch/bed/chaise/fainting couch/what have you/ ONLY (mostly) when invited and thoroughly enjoys it when he's there. I'm not saying he doesn't hang about hinting, poking with his nose, clawing at you, wagging his tail and imploring with ears perked and brown eyes all round and soft...waiting for that invite but he will wait to be invited. And if that invite comes, he never hesitates. Until tonight.
Jackson was in his crib asleep so it was time for extra Archie love time. He's laying on his sweet-ass Crypton William Wegman dog bed that I just moved upstairs last night. Andy calls him over and he just blinks and stays put. Then, after a bit more urging from Andy, Archie gets up and curls up next to him on the couch. Not 20 seconds later, everyone seems settled in but he jumps up and goes back to that bed. I've been noticing that he disappears at night to our bedroom downstairs to lay on his bed. I thought he was just trying to get a little peace and quiet considering Jackson's habit of crying starting around 6:30-7:00pm but now I'm guessing it's the bed. He LOVES that freaking bed. He couldn't love the cheap dog bed NOOOO, he has to love the stupidly expensive dog bed. It is a great dog bed and I got it so I wouldn't be ashamed to have it be one of the first things you see when you walk in our bedroom. [Because there are just herds of people going into our bedroom day after day after day to tour its magnificence and it's been published in every design magazine, right? always seems to be the case in every place we've lived in, the bedroom is the biggest wreck and is more of a landing space for stuff I don't have a place for elsewhere + a bed. I haven't even removed the picture hooks from where Dennis and Aimee had their pictures hanging. But I digress] So now I'm thinking "I have to buy him another stupidly expensive dog bed so he has one to lay on downstairs. Well, maybe instead of the extra large size he has now, which Clifford the Big Red Dog could lay on comfortably, I can get the slightly smaller (and thus, less expensive) one, and get one that actually is more appropriate for a 60 lb Lab-Sharpei mix." This is going through my head while I brush my teeth. Why am I thinking this? As I type, his perfectly good inexpensive (and already paid for) dog bed lays unused next to me on the carpeted floor and I'm worried about if he will want to come and sleep in our room with us but not want to lay on this horrible dog bed that we've provided for him and choose to lay on his uber-cushy designer dog bed, all alone, upstairs, missing us horribly. Like the dog that rolls around in dead sea creatures on the beach is really worried about the comfort and design of his dog bed. Well, the good news is that crypton fabric won't absorb that dead sea creature smell.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

School Lunch Night

Tonight Andy and I are having a School Lunch night. We arrived at this dinner decision not out of nostalgia but, out of laziness. This is our menu for dinner this evening: carrots with Ranch dressing
Main course...Grilled cheese (Colby-Jack and Pepper Jack Cheeses) with Tater tots
Dessert...chocolate chips (no, not Chocolate chip cookies but Chocolate chips, poured out of the bag into the palm of your hand)

And what wine would you pair with this gourmet meal, you ask? Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Brut Champagne. That's right, I am well on my way to becoming a sommelier specializing in pairing excellent wine with comfort food. For the record, perhaps next time I will go with a nice Cab Franc or something.

I wish I could blame this on having a 8 week old infant in the house but sadly, I can't. Andy and I specialize in this type of thing...sleeping until noon, having popcorn or just tater tots for dinner, being 10-15 minutes late for everything. It is the Bowman-Bakun way.