Friday, October 16, 2009

Time IS on your side

I've never been particularly good at keeping track of time or being on time or well, anything to do with time other than buying watches.  And I mean NEVER.  I was late for carpool in elementary school.  Not sure if I was late to mom will have to weigh in on that.  I was even late coming out of the womb-something like 3 weeks late.  Now, my friends, aren't you glad I've narrowed that down to 10-15 minutes over the years?
So, now that I have a baby and they are ALL about schedules, I needed help with this time thing.  When did he last eat?  Uh, I don't know.  10 minutes ago?  Or was it 3 hours?  Shit!  I knew I should have written that down.  So, here comes my lifesaver...the Itzbeen timer

It has 4 different timers-diaper, feeding, naps and a miscellaneous one, which is great for those first couple of weeks when you are in major pain and can't remember when you took your last Vicodin without a nurse coming in and handing it to you.  I don't know about you but I always take drugs when they are handed to me and seldom remember to do drugs myself.  Puff Puff Pass?  Sure, I can do that.  But, I digress.  What was I saying?  Oh yeah...time and remembering it and stuff.  The Itzbeen timer not only tells you how long it's been (get it?  Itzbeen...It's been...clever, huh?) since you changed or fed your precious honey pie but if you prefer to be told when to do something, it has an alarm mode as well.  I highly recommend getting this BEFORE the baby is born because you will need it from day one.  I got mine at Giggle here in San Francisco but I saw it at and in Target as well.

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