Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thunderstorms in the Bay Area! Run for your life!

I'm not sure how many of you may know this (I didn't until I moved here) but thunderstorms are a rare event in San Francisco.  Since moving here in September of 2007, I've seen one in mid-September 2009.  That is until a couple days ago, where we have had one every day for the past 2 or 3 days. I tried desperately to get a shot of the lightening, managign to get a shot an instant before (while checking focus, framing etc) and immediately after the lightening.  BAH!  I did get this really cool shot of an ominous black cloud floating over San Francisco Bay.

I also got this shot of a rainbow after some heavy showers a day or two before The Thunderstorm.

There are more Thunderstorms predicted for tomorrow, although I get the feeling that meteorologists are a little out of practice on predicting the weather around here since it's mostly the same all the time. Nevertheless, wish me luck on capturing some good shots.  Until then, you'll have to settle for these photos and videos from other lucky bastards.  Humph!

Wrath of God Thunder Wakes Up San Francisco (prepare to TURN DOWN THE  VOLUME)

Lightening Over the GG Bridge

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